caring for your

new piercing




  • Always wash your hands before cleaning your piercing

  • Gently rinse your piercing 1-2x a day with warm water to get rid of any dried blood, crusties, dirt, and debris from the day. A warm / hot shower works best.

  • You may also use a suggested STERILE SALINE SPRAY to flush your piercing. Spray both the front and the back of each piercing - pat dry with a clean and disposable paper towel or gauze pad, making sure to remove buildup on the piercings.

  • We highly recommend scheduling a follow up appointment within the first 4-6 weeks to downsize and/ or adjust your jewelry

  • Piercings do not like to remain wet, this can cause several irritating issues. Gently dry your new piercing promptly after rinsing by using dry air heat (ex: hair dryer) or dabbing soft paper towel gently around the area. Be careful to not be aggressive with this process.


  • Rinse thoroughly with fresh bottled water after eating or drinking anything BUT water.

  • You may also use an alcohol free oral rinse up to 4 times a day.

  • Good Oral Hygiene is important for a happy, healing piercing.



Downsizing jewelry is important when healing a piercing. Once the main swelling has gone down, your jewelry will likely be too long and need to be changed to a more comfortable fitting piece. Waiting too long to downsize your jewelry can/will result in further irritation, swelling, and longer healing times.

*Downsizing your jewelry is an additional cost from the initial piercing*

There is a $20 service fee plus the cost of new post / jewelry

We get asked a lot… “But why wasn’t this included in my first appointment?” Good question! This is a separate service with a separate time and new jewelry. Not every piercing will need a downsize, and not every client will come back. We also don’t know exactly how your particular healing process will go - so we don’t know the size we’ll need to use. In other words, its better this way. A downsize isn’t mandatory, we can’t make you do it - we just strongly recommend it.


  • sleeping on your piercing

    pressure from sleeping on your new or healing piercing will result in a cranky, swollen piercing.

    tilting / shifting of the piercing and jewelry is likely to occur.

  • makeup and beauty care products

    even the most gentle of beauty products will be too harsh on a healing piercing. You can still use these products, just keep them off the piercing!

  • skin cleansers (directly on the piercing)

    rubbing alcohol, peroxide, ointments, and other first aid products

    due to the nature of first aid products - they will all be too harsh, and / or suffocating to the healing tissue of a piercing.

    If you are troubleshooting a fussy piercing, you will still want to avoid these products - they will not be helpful.

  • tea tree oil & other online suggested “remedies”

    we cannot stress this enough, DO NOT use tea tree oil on your piercings for any reason!

    tea tree oil is too harsh of a product to be used in the aid of healing or troubleshooting a piercing. Drying out the piercing and causing slight chemical burns is NOT what we want! we want happy and SAFE healing piercings!

  • swimming + baths

    submerging a fresh or healing piercing in a large body of water exposes it to a wide variety of bacteria and harsh chemicals - heightening your risk of a dangerous infection.

    This includes (but is not limited to) oceans, lakes, rivers, pools, spas, bathtubs (yes, even your own)

  • sports

    more specifically - contact and water sports.

    If your piercing is getting bumped, hit, or smooshed inside of a helmet while playing a contact sport - its likely going to end up with problems. If you are on the swim team, same thing. We encourage you to wait until the off season to get a new piercing. If you are a year round player - you’ll have to weigh out the priorities here… sports and piercings don’t mix.

Troubleshooting your healing piercing

Stress or irritation may occur while healing your piercing. Don’t worry, we can help!

Bumps Happen! - Before you can make the bump go away, you have to know what’s causing it

Did you sleep on the piercing? Did your piercing / jewelry get bumped, scratched, kicked, licked, poked…etc…? Did you get makeup, shampoo, fragrance, (product)… in your piercing? Are you using soap on or around the piercing? Are you using Q-tips or Cotton balls to clean your piercing? Have you done your bedding laundry recently? You get the gist….
Evaluate your immediate surroundings - something bothered your piercing, and we need to figure out what it was. From there, go back to our initial Aftercare Protocol and stick with that. Do Not Sway from that - remember… Saline and Leave it Be!

Try the above, and If you’re still having trouble, for in need of other help please contact your piercer or come into the studio